In order to enjoy the unique experience of participating in one of the Athens Half Marathon races without putting yourself in danger, you should be healthy and in good physical condition on that day.

The Athens Half Marathon Organizing Committee is extremely happy with the large number of runners that chose to participate in the Athens Half Marathon event. Anyone may participate, even those who suffer from medical problems, but only with their doctor’s consent. This is why you should visit you doctor and discuss any medical problems before the start of the event. The same applies to all participants that have not been prepared enough for the race. All participants should have gone through a cardio logical check up before the race. In any case, the responsibility for joining the Athens Half Marathon is entirely up to the runner. What follows, is designed to contribute to a better update regarding your participation in the race, along with achieving the goal of a pleasant and safe race.



The day before the race avoid any intense practice and try to get rest from early time. Prepare the staff that you will be needing the race day. The supper should be light but rich in carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.). Do not forget to drink a sufficient quantity of water, especially if the day is predicted to be a hot one.



Do not run if you are not feeling well, even if this is something you are eager to and you have trained hard for. Most of the medical incidents concern runners that have decided to run regardless the fact that they were not feeling well, as they were not willing to be missing from the race. If you have flu, a feverish cold or tummy bug, if you are suffering from diarrhea or from pain in the chest, you are asked not to run. Do not put yourself in any danger.

Get dressed well, accordingly to the weather conditions of the race day. Use lightweight running shoes that you have used before, to avoid any pains and discomfort for your feet.

Have a breakfast few hours before the race start, preferably a light one, avoiding anything that contains fat.

Leave your home / hotel early enough to be on time for the race start and avoid anything that might create tense to you.

Start the race being hydrated enough. 250ml of water can be a quantity to achieve this, but no later than 30’ before the race start, especially if the day is predicted to be a hot one.



The more you stress yourself in order to finish the race, the more important becomes the need for regular hydration and feeding. Drink regular, but do not overdo it.

Drinking too little can lead to problems, as you need to replace some of the fluid you lose as sweat. Drinking too much can be very dangerous and lead to hyponatraemia, fits and even in some cases death. Drink when you feel the need and do not gulp large volumes of fluids before, during and after the race.

Every athlete has different needs according to his build, his speed and above all the weather as these parameters have an impact on how much you sweat.

Prefer fluids and food that you have already used and tested before. You can trust the products delivered to you in the feed zones by the Organizing Committee, but in any case you can carry any supplies of your choice.

Run based on your preparation level, or run without any pressure, especially if your preparation level is not satisfactory. Follow this advice and it is more likely that you will finish the race without any need for medical assistance. There are doctors monitoring the entire race and medical staff and volunteers along the course in order to offer you any assistance you may need.



Do not stand about getting cold. Keep walking, especially if you feel dizzy, and drink to replace lost liquid. Go to the kit bags area as soon as you can, get back your bag and change into warm, dry clothing, and then go to the meeting points area. Keep on drinking slowly and have something to eat. Again, do not drink excessively.

If for any reason, you feel uncomfortable, dizzy or weakness, please go the to the first aid station located at the finish.